Ex Libris Fibers has a new home!
Well, it's more than halfway through 2020 and everything is canceled, but to me this is a great time to adapt and find new ways to do things more effectively and thoughtfully.
I have a lot of love for Etsy - way back in the Early Aughts of internet crafting, it was one of many websites that kept me alive (pardon the hyperbole but it's very true given my poor life choices at the time). Craftster, Ravlery, and Etsy were my go-tos during a tumultuous relationship that I often like to forget I was trapped in. But that storm led me to make some other life choices that put me in better places, and to catch up on seven years of lost creativity, sense of self, emotional growth, unhealthy habits, and building good relationships.
Now, we're seeing a lot of transformation - and many of these small and friendly businesses are showing sides we're not so sure about, not limited to Etsy CEO's boasting about profiting off of makers during a pandemic whiile Ravelry dismisses accessibility issues.
Etsy remains a fantastic place to just start selling without a lot of upfront investment. Do you have 20 cents to list an item and see if the world might be interested? You can do it! (I'll not talk about the additional fees and roadblocks you'll face on your journey, because if you're just starting out it's a great and affordable platform!)
It's a little bittersweet to be moving away from it for so many reasons, but I'm extremely grateful to everyone whose tried some yarn, reviewed some yarn, checked out some books recommended from The Spectral Collection, shared with a friend, and helped to make possible more yarn for you to enjoy!
My goal with creating this new website is to share more with you about my creative process, the inspirations for each colorway, behind the scenes tales and outtakes, and to provide an easy way to view past and available colorways, bases, and clubs.
I'm also expecting the user experience to be a lot better for you, so please tell me what you think! Please let me know if you have any trouble with any part of the site, because I am one person who is always learning, and this is a welcome place for everyone.