Are you ready for Nash Yarn Fest?

Are you ready for Nash Yarn Fest?

Many many years ago as a new knitter with a collection of awful part time jobs, opening up the MDK newsletter on the rare Saturday morning I wasn't working was the most special treat.

When I saw that Ann and Kay were working on a yarn fest I was so hopeful to be a part of it - and thrilled to announce that Ex Libris Fibers is vending at the event marketplace!

It's an entire weekend of wooly goodness: View the full agenda and snag your tickets.

I'm dyeing up loads of a special exclusive show color to commemorate the 175th anniversary one of my most favorite classics: Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter!

Black indie dyed yarn with a flash of scarlet underneath a well-loved antique copy of book The Scarlet Letter

The Scarlet Letter was released in 1850 on March 16 and ruffled some feathers then - and is still even objected to "from all directions." 

I'm stitching up the Romanesco Jumper (ravelry link) with it and it's SUCH A 2025 MOOD.

Will I see ya at Nash Yarn Fest? I cannot wait!!

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